Intro: the main reason for my website are so called endless loop. I want to punk and provoke with my text. My own idea was to create positive images. If you can not understand something, it is not only incomprehensible but also a narrower sense. This fact must be interpreted as 20 years of work and 20 years of preparatory work, that is 40 years of my whole life until now. To be or not to be that is the question here, to survive the own death? The case is to the so-called unrecognizable, unnamed worldwide super virus has received a solution. Shortly called: I kill everything what you love! My own sphere in my life time of hard problems and pain. For the creation of my life aim or in other words also this work is accomplished now with it. Who does not want to life with me can do that also without me. Everything in this world has a meaning. The solution is the power and money. I had to come so far because there was no answer already, so I am stronger than love, or other people. I treat here an organic virus, where I could fight now, and whose very much content has been made sincere and had to. A person without a weapon will always take the way life, the other not. I am very happy about my life now and I have become the best person that did not want to be. Dear world we can do it, dear individual we can do it, dear myself I can do it. The change of the world is saved and this website exists forever. Life to the end of time and back. My mental genius has spoken and written. I hope every man wants to be happy and every man gets his peace. For freedom in the world and unity in life, and happiness and a strong faith. So please read what I have written to here because it is our world. The complete technique presented here has now become very big and powerful, until its completion. So I wish you a lot of fun with my homepage and personal psychology articles, now I save every life and help up to the individual, on that everyone becomes healthy and content. Have fun on my site. All the best forever. For all together. For everyone and no one alone. All the best and love from the beautiful world, Christian Bayer.
Internal Code for my website or home page is stress. I have now attained the size and power to bring this website to an end. I am the best and will outdo myself here.
Secondary dimension: how to live if you are a dangerous monster, or even what does this disease mean? Is life the most important thing for a person while he kills others, or rather whose people kill the people of people, of a person? Yes or no? How much am I in other people? So to make a clear solution, that can be healed now. I am the love and I am the love for every human being, I love everybody, and I think maybe everybody also me. One can do many things among other things the effort against violence to lead, to renounce manipulative knowledge, to learn stimuli, and to behave completely with his spirit in the harmony of the body correctly. Who and what do we have here? This is the whip of humanity. With my website philosophies and lifestyle product, every person can live a perfect right good life. And any view of mutual severe violence, is thus cured here. I don't let myself be brought down and I can take care of myself very well, driving a car or so also but I need help sometimes and everyone who wants to help me personally is welcome. I think the theory about this is understandable to treat this disease with the name: where everyone must remember for themselves. Mister kind and dear does not find here exactly more words, but on the web page is written: good luck. The Lord of the world and life greets all people and thanks each person for his tolerance towards him, and on his works here. The Mister lives and the Mister can decide which people the happiness will give rightly at this time. Every man must live. Mr. gives and takes nothing. Mr. says goodbye to happiness, my name: Mr. Christian Bayer, for the world, for all, and further. Thank you for reading, (I'm a bit crazy) and continue and continue reading the website and I remain as I am and myself, enjoy the texts a good time, it greets the world with unity and peace. And I also greet every person and the world for that it gets better and a nice time yet. End of the Intro.
Text: Medical, Informative Science, gerund.
Memo: I have an interesting skill that deals with medication. This was made that way because it is the elephant word in my Business/Job Dreams. My interests skill is a little bit the phantasia, but not quite because medicine! I had many losses in my life and 20yrs of therapy, after a poor life as a kid. Now I am 40 years old and I have put up this website for 20 years. I suffered all my life now with my lust disorder. The problem is getting things done, and living the life I have. But in my head and all, I am a Superhero having my: interest power, back. So, my dreams are satisfied, but not my life. So that rule is not a fantasy. I am in a position to use my medicine and other derivatives, and I still have a lot to learn at my age. Besides, I love to deal with medical ideas, and I help everyone in reality. My goal for this world is the invention (HP) of real-time, which is done and copied; I am back. In my fantastic mind I have lived my life, and in my soul there is reality and society. I have high wisdom in my mind and my medical therapies and thoughts. I have developed the thought and I am like this. We are coming to real-time. I am able to defeat all things that are bad or bad love because of my medicine. So I live a high energy and my solutions. I am a medical specialist. My own brain and intelligence have created for a 40 years project like this website known as personal psychology home page. Here is my guy and I will never take back what I have done. I am sorry for taking these things and life at this time. I am the best medical doctor in germany and that's because I developed this: Imagination, desire and real-time here, the ability to inform has helped and my social self is much stronger than before. I have no money. I live and that brings wisdom that I did it right and that works forever. My mind was like that in early childhood. So I tell the things: stimuli, fantasy, medication and so on. Listen to my copyrighted computer music jukebox with this on the website. I am now able to live. Story finished.
This is fantastical.
The real side of the book of my life. I have found no illness with a definition, and I found no ability test, so I found nothing! Ergo: I have nothing insideme?!! And the point. I am a small grain. Calm Down: QuoQuo: Quacksalver, We are strong together. The whole Relations calculated. Bring the Handshake. Life in Pain. Or Conclusion: Context. Last Argument: I do not hear voices. And I have not much other things. Wrote Anton. And Stop! Its Value. Or flower speech. I am a flower. Defined: Think. Their Thinker and Poet. The best sexy and think full project and moment. Future Vision: pity - (Revolution). In my full ghost. Wonder: Salt stand. Death is no must instead it is lust that is infinite or the last love and best word. The *sexy Death* in the world. Here is called GOTT. No one can bend me. That's my Quality, okay. The light of the world. Long page short sense. Or Skilled after all. Imagine, stream, fly, stimuli. Box: I am the last Chance.
The world question of me: who am I to question what? The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Three little words: sex power, intimate love, VR, health. The (niche) proof: "addiction". Segment 0. - Attention to headphones. Who or and what am I? Your kind. One word: primsen, reset. Lobby of exAttack. The counter problem is to cure money. Finality irrational. The fantastic of inner beauty; a block. Excentric tablets, are the solution. My buddhism zen is fizer. Ciao.
I say, live each day as if it were your last. This test I have is the: Proof of the existence of God. In practical terms for science: The disease and the test is money. Regards, my name is CtB. Or every name on this earth.
I am the hottest person on earth and pregnant and this is your last chance. My made statement content: person V1. This page has the seo context: 4400 broom theory. I am humanoid in my soul. The best word in my head is: important. Blue Information: But why? The personal identification: ID: 0337. Summary: Nothing is true. The world in wise words: it is only love! So just: Have a nice day. Nonsense from my heart: (I discovered that I have a big hole, and that this homepage cures that). Maybe my unknown ability is: Debate. This is not certain. Global: transmissions are coming, perhaps endlessly. Handmade and crafted in Germany. High-risk Object - high-infectious virus - high-attention - no access!!! Name of product: Copyright Computer Music Jukebox with website. The souls and real lives of this population are now protected again and the answer is true. And I hope it is. I am not responsible. Caption: Welcome to my homepage. Hashtag: #PointOfNoReturn, PS: This is ILL.
+ The dream job: Christian Scientist, + The theme is silent ability, + IQ: prime number, logic, visualiser, logic; + Future theme: this website heals particles. + Poverty!
Firefox, Broken Link Checker, iTunes, Sketchbook, Ftp Client, Webspace, Email, Advertising, Apple, Microsoft. Trafficseeker, Google, My Sound Keyboard, Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Google, Wolfram Alpha. Essentials: This website cures particles. Thank you for your time and effort.
My full thanks to Beepworld for making my 1000 logins per month possible.
The chat system is called: Christian.
== Partixel ==
My place in the world as an fallen Angel !! That is: fatal violence. Final IQ: 99% sys clock; see you.
My IQ test: all I need is a poverty certificate. I am the poverty proof.
Wolfram Alpha says: N-NP = 0. Temptation. (Poetry). Says the treasurer: And I only told you all this because you eat little children! The Methuselah Projekt Discrimination, mediality, too good for this world. Quarto. QouQou: worship. Mental Health and Fantasy Therapy. The Informer Society: Trixi. Nickname: IAAO. Gender: delicate. I am: IQAZ. The best prime number is: 1. So Relax !!!!
Here is medical content, lyrics exclusively by Christian Bayer; What it is like; Love, drugs and rocknroll; Blood red: I can copy. Sex and Love; To Make Eggs; Textile Milk Pig; The Hot Poet. It was written by, Prof. Dr. B. .
I have created a safe and protected place where each being can protect itself and all;. It is possible to travel to any room or place in the world in one's own imagination. I can also construct better health and reconstruct struggle and pain. To prove the existence of a God, someone has to return from heaven to earth after he has died to prove it. Here I am or not? The biggest problem without a solution is money. My main issue is the 4400 broom theory like on TV. The biggest word on the page is: important. Blue information: non-existent? Note: Nothing is true. That means you can't do everything. Sex is just love. No bullshit. This web is my game and my own value and ownership as an administrator. Hashtag: point of no return. Love is blind. A super psychology is that I am very good as a Christian Scientist. That website health particles, and Poverty! One of my best references is wikipedia in German and English. I have a high traffic on my base work. I love you all. Nothing more to write. I wish you good luck in my real website and that my words can help you and also my lifestyle medicine. Kind regards.
This is awesome. Thinkers and poets. This is quality. Nothing more. Presented is the state of salt. The light of the world. Reset. Be poor. Three dwarf words are enough. Who or and what am I? MM. . This is ILL. Particle. Ciao.
First, fun is the biggest business in the world. It is also called the church. The fun means that all people who work are the full weight as the mass that are on this earth. My theory is practical, but I am not a loser, I am a highsider in this whole world government! My own dreams are to work with it and nothing more. The END. This is what I am. Produced and created by Christian Bayer. Maybe some content will be added here for sharing in the future.
My world: who am I to question what? The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Hyperlink. Being badly fucked. Three dwarf words: sex power, intimate love, VR, health. - Headphones. 1 word: prime, reset. Lobby: XAttack. The counter problem is to cure money. Finality irrational. :The fantastic of inner beauty; a block. Excentric tablets, are the solution. My buddhism zen is fizer. Bye.
This is really sextastic
. I did not find a disease with a definition, and I did not find an ability test, so I did not find anything! Ergo: I have nothing inside?!!! And full stop. I am a small kernel.
Calm down: QuoQuo: quack, together we are strong. The whole Relationic, calculated. Handshake. PAIN. Or Conclusion: Context. Final argument: I hear no voices. Written Anton. And Stop! is: Value. // Flower Speach. I am a flower. Definition: Think. There thinkers and poets. The best sexy and thinking. Future vision: Nastiness - (Revolution). In my full mind. Surprise: pillar of salt. Death is not a must, but lust, which is infinite or the last love and the best word. The *sexy death* in the world. No one can bend me. That's my quality, okay. The light of the world. Long story very short. Or skiller. Imagine, Stream, Fly, Stimuli. Show me the box: I am the last chance.
I've discovered I have a big hole, and this homepage cures that.
Maybe my skill is: Debate.
Copyright by Christian Bayer.
Everything will be fine.
I close with the statement: Parameter.
The new name is Cristianos, and the result of N=NP is 0:0. In church I am always one against bugs but I only meant well. So my new name is Christianus. I have dedicated my whole life to work, but I am alive and happy about it, besides I always have many friends and a lot of fun. I managed to calculate the world's hardest math result in a thesis. In my own world, I now float off in loop to update and brake! The sentences here include: an NNP, and my chrism cristianos name. This is the Hell Virus.
Comment: Human Life; Freezed Elimination. END
Life every day as if it were your last.
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Also is additionally the love the solution, and my own feels the outer Reality. A love test is in my opinion a good test for proofing my ability. For english users: I am a fire and flame as human and I have the perfect love. So seen it is something (lovely) between everybody/us. I fight for love and eternity or and other said for more love as my surrounding. Everybody is according to my love helped. So seen LOVE is the hardest illness and ability of the world, or unsolveable before 20 years. This Website has a weight of 5.000.000x now. Love 2 everybody o&u, that, everywhere, knocked, fipnaled, indigo, the the and all gets good.