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Doctor Office
A No to Violence Fresalien

The Company Christian Bayer

I am not a social problem.
I am not a pig and I do not fool around.
I take myself as a human being in a way that all other people can handle this.
My greatest treasure is not money, but independence.
Money is not my greatest treasure, but God's earth.
Everything I do is without danger.
Every human being has the right to live.
I am religious.
I will protect every life where I can.
Women and women need protection.
I speak about my feelings.
I do not lie.
I speak about my thoughts.
Everything I say here I have written myself and responsible for it.
Love your neighbour.
Live with honour.
Do nothing that you will regret later.
Be joyful.
Do not use violence, to any person.
Apply your knowledge.
Love rightly, you will go to heaven soon enough.
Love every day, and always new.
Try to do everything right and be the best.
Yes, I think that's it!

your Dr. Dödel