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Blue Code 1
A No to Violence


God in the box and it's hot.

I want to talk here completely fair and also tell no lies or fantasize something. We are in a time where the Armageddon again gained a new high, and my person received more current value. Everything in this world is no longer fully imagined or we have completely lost faith or have no connection to the outer world. However, we are on this earth and we will remain so, the problem is only how long? Everything will change, that much what is certain. The so called Anti-Code speak: Armageddon, are the goals I pursue on my website and my so called personal homepage - is the aim to heal our planet and to bring peace in the whole world. This highly risky project has been going on for 20 years and I am working very hard on it. I hope you understand fun, but above all help, and I invite you all in this world to read this. I help with taste confusion, emotional upset, and other things, but of course not me but in my website. Please read the music I offer and learn more about the so-called web pages on the computer made music therapy possibility for jukeboxes. Thank you a lot of fun and a new life, your Christian Bayer.