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Rapidhits Secrets-Page.
I show You how to spend 2.5$ a day!

Sources Targeting: Select White List: And get the Optimiser Traffic list and look that your main Publisher 13IDs are in the list inserted; or you can play around by using the blacklist or white list as made in reports. IPs are so a thing? With normal usage it is a Report Analyzer thing. New subscribers only higher the bid into heaven. I am using adscore, click all away: and then all on, There are lists that does not get activated thats normal. My timetable is normally not activated, because I also advertise in oversee. Makening in the starting time and: Please use the budget as prepaid budget; it is a good idea to use a end date, but it is so that there normaly is none. I do not want to pay more than I payed in.
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But for and if you have a input field at your advertisement maker: This links are mainly plugins! It is good to activate the Segments and in this the conversions you had wins and success.

First I have much HTML Plugins or other said pages I had tested: I have 22 years success with advertisement on my page. A Campaign name is something Rememberable with a message with that a Month later it is good identificable. I take a title on my own (without AI) and I am mainly trying fantasy related outputs or injects of my webspace. I have a landing and sometimes an link from Home as said to index1. A hard eTracker problem are the reloader and an redirect to not counted on a page. My messages are swearing things where I get a reader that can have the so called (its content) happy feeling. An icon image should be 50kb and I use a converter for example compress or die . Pay attention to the pixel sizes. Also the main image is convertible. Presently I construct with hours of work my banner with aI (OpenAI and chatgpt maybe DALLE2). Gimp is a free thing. Primary I am working with a Macintosh Mini and pay attention to the Mobile images most need to get Converted before the usage. My cost per click is 5 chips higher than standard minimum! Smart CPC higher the things. The budget is according to that what you have as achievement. For example walking the day as 30 for 3$ . Geo Targeting is not deactivate: Guesses: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, USA . Region and City Targeting: Who wants and can effort, but a super good idea as option. Browser language the important thing in my person only english. Clicks Cap: 1 same user is RIGHT. Impression Cap (leggy/Chrome Browser): Hard to gess maybe 2 . Webview is so allowed because it is for entertainment devices. Mainstream has a good filter against super blasters for cheap, Cheap? Technology Targeting: Optional.

So you read it, this is the Article end. Have fun reading more.