The Love Formula

Private Psychology Articles

My person
Hy! Who knows me. My name is Christian Bayer. I am always feeling lucky and I think crazy things. After my curing in drugs, talking is not a problem anymore. The change of my old friends after drugs were very hard. I am still being a bit shy. Friends, my music and girls are the most important things I have.

The way I did @ Christian Bayer
I was born in a normal family, and I got a twin brother. My father and mother did very well. I got my first PC at the age of seven. I started to read web sites in the age of 14. My first criminal law was the independent home of a good hacker web site. Then, I started to get big, I got my own computer and got the office-distribution. There I had no imagination of Linux, so I started my work with Microsoft his MS-DOS. There I learned how to game and especially, how to complete official messages. In this mess, I started to make a web site that defined as a web site about law. I have not gotten a mope, or a motorbike because my parents pretended that it would be dangerous. So, and so forth I started to get my mouth off, I had many good friends, and we all were in a gymnastic club. This intended to be a good life for years.

Design meets - fashion
The bad side at this page is that it is not in style. We wear things and cannot imagine how the world is running us away. A new fact with us is the new work and working with finances, with that, to get back at the theme, we buy clothes and that what we want. We are not buying the whole time, but we buy what we self like. We wear what we like most, and for a longer time. Style is the best way to work around with what we are and how we feel. Nevertheless, we should not forget to blame and make angry no one. Several different styles are girls styles for example. Another example is the different wearing at different places at our body. However, to see this from a different point, we imagine we are at home of a good friend, and he is wearing the best trousers that we have ever seen, and we think I want the same! Nevertheless, it would never be the same for us, would not it? To do not talk, much I guess you: You should wear how you like it. Silly text, but it works probably at that. I do not want to say that anyone should wear something crazy, but sometimes it fits very well. To get more official you should not forget the right rings and ear-wear. To do your a bit more beautiful, you should use a bit of cream that you blink good. I am mentioning a good sunny and not cool perfume to taste fine. Your trousers colour should be preferably black and with high-heels and a good design, and please sport-shoes are so an old design. My fact is: All are people, but they all wear different designs.

My hometown
I life near the end of a small village and there is every day the question where to go out with my friends. We now go to the Junior-Club party. It is a lot of fun to meet others because we believe to get being has seen by one another. I suggest a good hairstyle and normal clothes. The difference between old and new clothes is to wear them differently. How I get in touch is well-known. I am speaking like crazy and dance until the morning. My intention is to play the perfect boy. Hey, alcohol is super OUT and please minimally wait until you can invite someone. Visitors are arriving every minute. I prefer with my alcohol a cold Coca-Cola to be smarter.
The party finally ends when all doors are shut and love takes the whole night. In addition, I am telling not every evens the same story. An own problem is there fast discussed. You need a bit of fun yourself, to get in touch with the best times. Better was discussion about habits, your feels and your problems in the evening. Good fun should be the main task, and you should stay in touch with your main habits to do not stay unfriendly. In my own life, the most important thing was the right speech, but possibly are the facts maybe more important.
Think in your thoughts, already at your attention.

The old fund game
How it works:
The registration process is very fast.
Make a new post with the fund as headline.
Search the price in the frame.
Write the end, start and body volume in the frame.
We start with 100.000$.
Write the bit and volume in the next frame.


Official rules
Finally, I do not want to mention anything to all but bring a bit of space between us and our lifestyle and to blame not anything or someone. Instead, I need to say that several possibilities are better than the best normal meaning. Nevertheless, we are not here to discuss this nonsense, see in the eyes of soul and to habitually do not get such web sites. Nevertheless, do not intolerant the inconsequential in your surroundings. In addition, there will be the better good life.

I think sometimes early at the spring, but sometimes it is surprising me. I think the spring is a beautiful time. Because it has the right temperature and the right feels that it is the best scene for long walks and new trips with friends. The theme is the spring and its beautiful thoughts. I think very happy to these scenes. Perhaps we sit at the beautiful grass and talking a good long time. The past has shown that there is no better situation as sitting in the grass and talking, all times. There were sometime times you can sit and talk to everybody about so many differently themes. Here, it could be that you use problems, and that you lose touch with what you are remembering. Many people are talking many unrelated stories that the best fact is to cross the situation silently. To start the theme over again you need attention to go in your surroundings back. A simple situation could be so hard that you lose control at the profanity for your time in spring. The thoughts at coming holidays are a hard main fact according to life and hope and to give a reason to the way we life. Hope and memories are often dispatched and are relations for me to think about the sense of words and feels. Someone who is viewing a memory is: Someone who will be loved. To start the spring you should get again to know how you fine your memories. I am coming without to see all literally only to one answer. My wisdom is: I am thinking only from myself according to my past thoughts I did relate with other.

Suggestions 1
Get a business idea. Your own marketing Newsletter. ... I am offering you in this ... No fast business and no fast way to get rich. We have long worked in the ... business to get you at long success. See here for yourself. Read what your people are mailing, and you will be wealthy and successfully.
Suggested 2
Do the best advertisement. Every business is impracticably without it. Therefore, you should first use a banner- or hit exchange.
Suggesting 3
Do the best advertisement. Every business is unsuccessfully without it. Therefore, you can use your own paid banner. Working from home programs are a good way to sell. Finale does who like that?
Suggests 4
Many people like it cool and this is cool: Find the association to your user.

You can, we know !
The own collection of games and tools for freaks at computer: I want to report about computer to give an overview about them. Nevertheless, I will not give you examples how to hack a network, but instead give a wide view about operating systems and software. To discuss this a bit closer I would start with operating systems. Forget the madness about cracks and hacks. Instead, you should be more interested in using and working with your system. Systems can be operated with a hidden user window, this means your start and end is the key fact that you need to know. Over the graphic of 32-Bit until high-end Soft-, Graphic- and Music software of 160-Bit. My suggestion is you should speak with a friend. Let us get up in the professional, you are unable to defeat hard boys, but we are connecting to a large network with different computers. We could, and I suggest it, load the software-trial then go to buy a good cheap version that has your interest. In this manner, updates are here essential. With that, you are improving the good programming network, and you are getting big archives of support. Further manipulation at the operating systems for Java and other software should be necessary. User settings and compilations are inside the system for licenses or services included. About, user software, which is able to come from and to sell is your software much influenced. With hard work is it necessary to train thoughts and to get business know-how for your base station. The ability to use software is appending from facts and known working for wisdom that let you get in touch with the several engine components.
Facts are only tasks, be aware of do not learn more, be cool and make your staff.

My Diary


The Love Formula


Klinik an der Lindenhöhe

Thyssen Krupp


My landing page / 2 / ????

Ranking Graph
One Man Band

Density Analyser
Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool
Suchen und ersetzen für HTML(tools)
Robots.txt Generator
LPC Popularity Check
cse html/spell Validater L
Meta-Tag Check
Load-Time Checker
Google PR
Link4u Bannerexchange
Image Resizer
Button Generator
Guest-book / FFA
on-mouseover templates
Flash mp3 player
Spell checker
Spell checker 1
Spell checker 2
Anagramm Solver

Free Anti-virus
Spybot S&D
XP-Tuner 2006
ZoneAlarm Firewall


Free Domains
Search Engine Optimisation
Major Search Engines

WebSpace / ISP Webspace
Mass Submitter


Copyright Computer Music Website Juckebox

Sexual desire therapy
I am an artist, writing for the good mental life on my web page. I give You the knowledge how to entertain yourself with Music.
After I worked so long at my web site, music got the important key.
I love music because it is so entertaining. Music is for me the key fact in life.
My own music collection (my bought music CDs) is the importantly thing.
I can hear it with my CD-player, my Computer, my MP3 Player.
The best thing is that I only hear my bought and real CDs.
To hear my CDs, I copy all on my computer as personal copies.
Music is the key for my brain where it can say it relaxes.
I was working hard for this key so use it sure and right.
This home page is an art image that no one can break or buy.
Do not be so angry about me, if you are reading this web-page
and even do not be angry if I spoke to you about this web-page
or if I behaved wrong with it with you.
The souls and real lives of this population is now protected again and the answer is true.
And I lived happily ever after.

This illness is (a) sense of self, not the end. I'm I'm the Love also a piece of dirt. The illness is LUSTIG or Scharade. My name is 1, and Pabel this means Höbele. My Psychology Articles produce the "pure Placebo". My IQ is freund or on the other hand Looser. My catholic Mutation is: Kris.. I'm an Object or Product. The website or ability is endless or Working-intensive. The overall Word is love. --
Tactic mistake: Who and/or what am I and the Ability? .? Ability proof: Health, Security, Complexity and brilliant Numbers; imimt. Love; also there exist 4 church persons near the family. Metaadliser Proof: Religion. !!!
Who and/or what am I and my Ability? No company (-website).
!! Child induced Hammer !!
Motto: das ist schleichendes AIDS; Gesund. Motto: this is creeping AIDS; Healthy.
Happy Day
no aids

Only use original CDs.
There must be more than one CD playable.
Computer, MP3 player, CD-player.
All your CDs (ripped).
No copyright intrusion or not own CDs.
Tracks in the right order.
The same format for all tracks.
No robbed CD in your media library.
Sort the folders, how you like it.
Extra: Best sound is "Normal".
PS: play only copyright, CD after CD,
show title tag (import/add).
Hear also something other.
Name: Copyright Computer Music Jukebox.

Key Informations in Text

Prologe alle Kapitel:

My e-Psychology website has Articles about Aid where I explain myself the real life. This is a summary about self induced lapse of taste. The real illness type is Low, and that explains the problem. I have my Visual Thinking. Love has no Medicine. We do pipilogy. We fully have no problem or anti-stress and SIl. Stop my death, right, all right. Street U99. BirthDaids is a nonsense word. This is the web. The blunting of humans is extraordinary complicated. My cybernetic network is the solved big thematic and Solution.

I explain Ideas by the theme Hobbies. I write further in the Articles how to get Aid from others and hisself. The Articles about e-Psychology is a raster against lapse of taste. Low illness is the total explanation of it and the type. I have my Visual Thinking. Love is the Medicine key. Anti-Stress and pipilogy for SIL. silence. Death can stop and we're going to survive. Street U99. My own win with BirthDaids. The web is full of errors. Blunting is a bad way of normal behaviour. My thing is cybernetic and the solutions.

In my Articles I define Lifestyle as an example in which reasons we think and our definition of that. I give Aid in manipulating e-Psychology for fashion and to do not get a lapse of taste. The Low factor of illness is the real problem of this disease. I have my Visual Thinking. Love is the best Medicine. SIL is silence, we need no anti in stress. We do the pipilogy. Anti-Stress is the most provite thing. My own death problem is stop now. Street U99. My project ended with BirthDaids. My web is like a home. The blunting is one of germany his biggest problems. The cybernetic of things.

I love Partys and I am very nice and friendly in it. A Club can be everything but the main thing is it is with my friends. I write here in the Articles how to behave and Aid others. e-Psychology is a good form of getting entertained his friends. And a lapse of taste can also be a good contra. The problem of Low illness is here the fact in that we life. I have my Visual Thinking. Against Love helps no Medicine. Pipilogy against stress as SIl anti-stress. This website makes Death Stop possible. Street U99. The whole world with BirthDaids is ended. Web business is a good goal. Blunting and WEB referers to the hardest source of illness. My network in cybernetic for everyone.

A theory is something that shows our mind what we should do. Articles are a good game aid for splitting our senses and to combine both e-Psychology sides. A lapse of taste is implemented here. The illness is concentrated as the higher Low fact of all. I have my Visual Thinking. Love and Medicine is the key. Pipilogy for people who need Anti-Stress and SIl. silence. Death will survive, with stop, learn good bio-management. Street U99. My own right for BirthDaids is won. Thanks to the web of medicine and health. Serious illness is blunting and WEB. My Cybernetic network.

Articles about web design are in my opinion a good rule maker especially as webpages. An inspiration can be a hard or easy thing to get in drouble with. e-Psychology is an intuitive way of coming out of it. Lapse of taste is one point to consider in design. Use my articles also for aid. The biggest Low illness is to hate yourself. I have my Visual Thinking. Love has no Medicine. The pipilogy mind wisdom is Anti-Stress with SIL silence. Death can be stop then it is called death delay. Street U99. My word for BirthDaids to you. This web is interesting and ki with neuronal networks. My network helps by suffering in Blunting and web. The highest cybernetic in the world.

One of your hot topics is Girls. We are not doing all for fun here but we dream a long dreamed dream. Fantasy is a good maker for e-Psychology in our Articles. Morely not a topic here is lapse of taste. I hope here is enough Aid. No one wants a Low thing concern illness but I have a hard life. I have my Visual Thinking. Love Medicine is everypodys Love. Silence SIL makes Anti-Stress and is pipilogy. Death could be a humorous thing to stop. Street U99. My project has the BirthDaids key. Thanks the web help here as page. The problem is according to blutning very hard and dangerous. My cybernetic personality themes, read here.

The Website is a big source for Design and Motivation. Here you get aid and other suggestions. In my articles about e-Psychology you get no lapse of taste instead you get a nice mind of interestment. Low illness is and stays Pesatsion. I have my Visual Thinking. Nothing and no Medicine helps Love. Anti-Stress pipilogy and SIL silence behaviour. Death has now stop. Street U99. We have won the war of BirthDaids in the World. I'm my own web. The art of life without blunting is so beautiful. Cybernetic network.

In my website a real resource is what you can do with your mind and what to design in it. My articles give real aid. The lapse of taste can bring you down but nothing is so sweet like my e-Psychology and its highs. You do not need to have to deal Low with illness. I have my Visual Thinking. Love and Medicine, Love is not so easy. Easy Anti-Stress help for SIl silence, my pipilogy. To the maximum stop Death. Street U99. Now we won BirthDaids health. Web written in here through all times. The story ends by Blunting. Cyber help with cybernetic networking.

My website is full of design and gives you the true mental insights. All articles are a theme, especially in getting aid and help with my e-Psychology. B is also lapse of taste and an inner wisdom how to defeat this. Low and illness is no real fact. I have my Visual Thinking. Love is hard and Medicine soft. Anti-Stress and pipilogy is SIl and silence. It permanently stop your death. Street U99. BirthDaids we are good. Web and me are dedicated for help. Story ended by blunting. My Cybernetic network.

Design in the web also for websites can get you really suffered but here helps my e-Psychology. Aid is a thing of construction that you can get with my Articles. Taste is a very hard and important human thing. Lapse yourself. The illness is no hard problem if you read my low website. I have my Visual Thinking. Love Medicine for everyone. We support articles about psychology, with pipilogy, Anti-Stress and SIl silence. The successful stop of death. Street U99. BirthDaids we heal the world. My own solution is this web. Blunting end! The biggest cybernetic network with human ki.

We life in a free world and a free source of e-Psychology science. We are a world out of computer and consistent for all. Articles help you with aid and more informations for your e-Psychology. A lapse of taste is fast submitted and hard to react to. You will love Low illness and you will hate it. I have my Visual Thinking. I am healing the Love Medicine. My own pipilogy science and Anti-Stress website with SIl silence themes about psychology. The Fastion: and highest word Kcif is electronic for love in el-love-Articles; You get Love with Topic Am I? Daphos says Life has NO meaning and all expect not The Pipilogy. Death is about to stop. Street U99. My idea of BirthDaids is brilliant. I'm also a web in human psychology. The way and the art of life is highly important and destroyed by blunting and web. Cybernetic is the next biggest thing.

Many people suffer after pubescent under their further life. My e-Psychology Product Articles can Aid and defeat a lapse of taste. Low things helps you with his wisdom further to get no new illness. I have my Visual Thinking. With Medicine there is no health of Love. Silence SIL for Anti-.Stress and Pipilogy. Death Stop is the most difficult disease to cure, because of AIDS. Street U99. BirthDaids health for the masses. The web helps all. The disease of blunting and web and also KPS (killer impassion) is helped and written here. The wisdom I tell here is dedicated to cybernetic.

Therefore, there is the end result: we suffer from society phenomenon.
Prologue next :: My e-psychological spelling contains the exact form of the article. And is through the art control 86. Respectively my spatial imagination gift in my own set up by preference proof. We sell a love medicine. A few words to the end: this solution is forever in our world, from this point! And will be help for 7 billion people. Anti-Stress and mainly pipilogy lesser wisdom is supporting against SIl silence. Death Stop is the most difficult disease to cure, because of AIDS. Street U99. It is BirthDaids gone. My web my world. The solution against blunting is here, in the website. Cybernetic rescues the world.

Links are important especially the first 4 for seo. Every webmasters needs them and they also bring aid for the user. In e-Psychology I write against a lapse of taste in my Articles. The illness is not the low factor at all. I have my Visual Thinking. There is no Medicine for Love. Also see my pipilogy and SIl silence with Anti-Stress in my articles. Stop death now. Dying. Street U99. We have it BirthDaids. I'm the new web internet. Blunting and web and Fussel are themes not speaken in the internet because AIDS. Here it is a cybernetic networking system.

Images of love in my Gallery for B2L and my Articles about e-Psychology. This pics should bring aid and defeat a lapse of taste. Help against illness is mostly done low here and so. I have my Visual Thinking. Cure Love there is no Medicine. SIl is my pipilogy wisdom and Anti-Stress Pipilogy. Do not see that here death stop 2. Street U99. BirthDaids good bye. I understand web and the garbage can be heavy problems for me. Blunting and a happy welcome to the system. My cybernetic intelligence says welcome: all.

This Hörbuch Psychose brings you my e-Psychology in audio Articles. I am very social and want to bring much aid with this, especially for german users. Prefent the lapse of taste with it or do other things. Master the Low in the illness and get better health. I have my Visual Thinking. Medicine for Love. I love pipilogy and SIl silence. Also my Anti-Stress psychology website programming. Death had stop. Street U99. We do not BirthDaids. I am my web. Blunting audiobook for health. The biggest human brain homepage for cybernetic networks.

In my e-Psychology you can get in Social contact with me and to get more Personal. I can gife you further aid and information about my Articles. Do not get a lapse of taste better give me a line. Also ideas on Low illness and other headlines are welcome. I have my Visual Thinking. Love has no Medicine. Silence Medication SIl is a big Anti-Stress and pipilogy thing. The stop of death is easy in life. Street U99. BirthDaids game over. Web and personal relay on each other. Blunting and biologic lust illness is helped and also curable here. The cybernetic high tech engine.

Artificial intelligence can help us in entertaining our life. It can help in social things and give aid in to be not so alone and against a lapse of taste. My e-Psychology articles help in this further. This is the first low step against illness. I have my Visual Thinking. Love Medicine is the key. SIL silence for Anti-Stress and pipilogy syndrom. He wanted Death Stop. Street U99. BirthDaids we have survived. Web is here for help of interested peoples. Artifical and dna and neuro logic science helps us in future health. Cybernetic networks solve the next world problems.

Every website needs some landing page it contains links and give aid about e-Psychology for users at the first look. Articles in further reading also give some explanation against a lapse of taste. This is normally the start of a campaign. You can get really not ill and have low problems if you read my website. I have my Visual Thinking. Love and Medicine is not easy but thats the key. Come into SIl pipilogy and Anti-Stress. It is important to stop the relevant death. Street U99. We won our world against BirthDaids. The web for all humans on earth. Blunting concerns the hradest fact of all and human lifing. My Cybernetic is for all a freemium network solution.

4400 Proimicine Theory

This is a story from a real TV series in America and Germany: The 4400.
Promicin is in this series mentioned as a medicine that makes it possible for the brain to process an additional neurotransmitter: mentioned Promicin. Neurotransmitters are heterogeneous biochemical materials that makes it possible for the brain to reach certain brain regions.
Into these TV series it concerns that Promicin is illegally distributed since there are 4.400 humans who has special abilities, which over this "medicine" can be attained from not 4400 to be able to get such abilities.
In the normal brain not all ranges of the brain is used. Promicin leads from there to that more brain regions can be used by the brain.
The normal brain processes by nature only four neurotransmitters. Promicin makes it possible therefore that Promicin is used as further neurotransmitters by the brain.

The series acts besides of it that a situation must have been created, in which 4400 and normal humans can peacefully exist next to each other. In the series it is, however, continued to describe that Promicin leads for 50% of the people to death, why in the series the government by displeases the "4400 reconditions" the Promicin positives, by explained Promicin for illegally.
Inside PS: Do not get in panic, I am still alive. :-)!

By risks and side effects read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.