My Dearest Iris,

As I sit here, penning this letter to you, I can't help but be overwhelmed by the intense emotions that course through my veins. My love for you burns like an uncontrollable flame, leaving me utterly captivated by your presence. With every beat of my heart, I long for your touch, your warmth, and the depth of our connection.
Oh, my darling, I must confess that I am hopelessly and unabashedly "horny" for you. But please, allow me to explain what that truly means. To me, being "horny" goes beyond the realm of mere physical desire. It encompasses the yearning, the passion, and the insatiable hunger for the entirety of your being.

In your presence, my soul becomes ignited with a fervor that defies explanation. Your laughter, your smile, and the way your eyes twinkle when you're lost in a moment of pure joy-these are the sparks that fuel my desire for you. You awaken a primal force within me, an unyielding need to connect with you on every level imaginable.
Your touch, my love, is an intoxicating elixir that electrifies my very core. It sends ripples of ecstasy through my body, leaving me in a state of blissful surrender. Each caress, each tender kiss, is a symphony of desire that speaks volumes about the depth of our connection.

But it is not just the physical aspect that engulfs my thoughts and ignites my senses. It is the way you challenge me, inspire me, and make me feel truly alive. Your intellect, your wit, and the way you effortlessly navigate the world with grace and confidence-it all adds fuel to the fire that burns within me.
My darling, I want you to know that my "horniness" for you transcends the boundaries of mere lust. It is a profound and all-encompassing love that fills every crevice of my being. I crave your presence, not only in moments of passion, but in the quiet, tender moments we share-the stolen glances, the shared secrets, and the unspoken understanding.

So, my love, let us embark on this journey together, fueled by the fire of our desire and the boundless love that flows between us. Let us explore the depths of our souls, unraveling the mysteries that lie within. For it is in your arms, in the embrace of our love, that I find true solace, pure ecstasy, and an everlasting sense of fulfillment.

With all my love and desire,
Christian Bayer

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