This website uses triggers and has sexually offensive content. So health compliant.


Sex & Love

Announcement to humanity:
This personal homepage profile owner, is a supernova.
Since I can't think of anything right now, I'll just tell myself this topic.
There is also nothing critical to report.
Does dictation work now? I find an essential factor nowadays that is also in collaborative and multi-user networking.
So I just don't write anything. In today's system, we no longer assume that every situation is the same or that it is (exactly) what it is, which is not entirely transferable one-to-one.
Everything we have today is based on the system of buying and selling. Whoever has no money is poor, and whoever is poor gets and keeps a beautiful life, leftover from that.
What do I want to say now without writing any texts? More than nothing? Or can one get more than one wants? Unfortunately, for many wealthy people, everything is nothing.
And then nothing can only exist through nothing. So who has a question or a factor? So I write these words for my page of personal homepage profiles, and I do it that way, and I do it well.
As we are now living in a great time worldwide, I can say with certainty that the sky is no longer falling on our heads and that we will live and stay alive on this earth.
Everything has a meaning, just two different questions of fact. How do you deal with the fact that everything is changing or even becoming much more expensive? Who is allowed, who is not permitted?
Can we know in our lives how to decide when everything changes and changes without being asked for it or without wanting it to change?
Humanity's situation is very banal and terrible right now, the target techniques that ignore me?! There are no limits and no vision in this world today.
All politicians are crackpots. If we don't know what we don't know, we can't ask what we ask! Who puts all the rubbish on the internet these days; me! Everything necessary without everything necessary has no sense.
Who had the sense then? Can we put aside all that is unnecessary if we put that stop for all that is unnecessary?
Who has who has not? Can we survive at all? Everything in our universe has a purpose, and as a result, man has a sense.
But where has the universe gone? Where are we, what are we doing, where do we want to go? Can we hold this universe if we no longer ask for meaning?
What is success in our universe? That is the question???

Real friends never die!

So is it written and so will it happen: It is perfect. End of the story from the young man. All have their rights, and everything went so forth and so forth. If there is a master plan for humankind, it is God or ICH and this website. I'm the image of God. worker of God. Amen. I find myself in your word. Your words are found and full of grace; praise them in glory. This is the word of words: Amen. We have "got" lesser than God. If there is a light, there must exist God at the end of the tunnel. I am Got.

personal Homepage.
There's no end. Paraside

your Dr. Dödel