Nothing more to say !!
The Yes and No
YesThe simply way is yes. But in the side thinking I was able and got the time to say not yes, was a very good thing. Summary: I am not very demanding in my life. Constantly I feel good and have fun. I find schlechte jokes not Amusing and from lecherousness I am also not owned. In my Catholic life I trust in God. This website lifestyle medicine health all "Stressators" diseases. | NoIn my meaning the No is a good situation for protecting my persona. All I get from yes I will also gain with No. All no summary: A no does not put clearly I a little bit wants. (fixation / fixation). I need every day a little bit rests and I can also be very much Ernst. My whole life happens in friendship. I do not belong to everything or nothing people. Cohumanity and help are principles for me. The stimulus leads to bigger things, joy of life and a lot of fun, are the nicest things in the world. Diese Webseiten Lebensstil Medizin heilt alle "Stressatoren" Krankheiten. |
Conclusion: She is the A.I.D.S (ATDS, via DNA to the scourge of humanity.)
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Who and/or what am I, and my ability? A blockade.
The illness is called: Idas.
... and "Stop"!