Mental Peace

This is a obsolete red border!!
I am here and down in nature or aesthetic, I fight for humanity and this is my last sentence, here I fight for peace this also is known for the last count down to freedom,
I am here and me is THIS so go outside of me bad spirit and accept a life as is, so I guess you this is the "life on earth" no one has to count me, no one is able to
process or pressure questions here, I am happy and no one will kill my memory, There is no hint,.
How many people think of me this second? Approximately: 18k per minute.
Hello World. I am thinking that I have now a counter created that can solve, by my mass text output the mystery. The sense is love. I can now have the
proof of all problems as thought right and sure. This is higher than fantasy and I am a human being again. My mind and my will is again full.
My idea is a stone that is like our god because it and me is the one stone theory. This is my knowledge and the end. Thanks for all.
This needs no further explanation.
Fantasy or A story about Life
Mr. Donna People