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Injection of Promicin in Psychatric

Atomic Word is Promotion

Hello, this website describes thematics about what Promicin is, and what it means. Promicin is a beta transmitter that explains the following problems according the diagnosis of psychosis: If you have a problem, that is (no) psychosis illness but instead a skill. A Hypertension or also Schizophrenia with that you hear voices is (not) a psychosis if the voices overpress you (want to make things happen against you happen) that you hear. Psychosis is no standard, which means that all things that are not real are (no) psychosis. Sometimes you hear voices and they are not understanding recognizable, then these voices are spoken aloud things at that and (no) psychosis. If you can not trust people, this is (no) psychosis. When you look into yourself inside of your family members, this is (no) psychosis instead an act of killing you from your hospital.
If you are not speaking properly, this means after long years you have (no) psychosis because you got pumped full with problems from them inside your body or with illnesses. If you want to die, it is (no) psychosis, because clean and hygienic functions are easy to therapy. If you speak with voices aloud, this is (no) psychosis because this is your environment. If you can not stand up in the morning or you lose time while going to work, this is (no) psychosis, because you are in danger. Here I wrote all promicin (Atosil) where you have no mental illness. But when do you have psychosis? That is when you and your doctor have the same opinion, this is helping not any time with real-life outputs so like it is a non-psychosis understanding, but no psychosis. This is my opinion. Get up and clear your psychosis!

sincerely yours Prof. Dr. Bayer