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The Deliverance
A No to Violence

Eawy SWR3

I am a SWR3 fan! My question: if I stand in front of SWR3 and hear naked music from the speakers do I have to go to jail? Otherwise I always have nice thoughts, butterflies in the stomach and birds in the trees and bees buzzing in my ears. I like SWR3 because it is so calm, cool and casual. I love every show and sometimes I listen to 2-20 hours of radio at a time. I think you can do everything great (including smoking) and you don't really miss anything all the time, plus it's very easy to understand and relax to. I think SWR3 is the best radio in the whole world. (This is probably not entirely true). And I am the biggest listener of all, respectively I have the biggest hallucination to be this listener. One beautiful Radio, I love you every day, now it's only 40 years I still have to listen. Much fun thanks SWR3 on further time on further music on further successes. The loved Homepageler Christian Bayer.